martedì 29 settembre 2015

‘’You are not a humanitarian if you don’t go to the field’’

That's right, me and my (ex)classmates have heard this various times during our MA in International Humanitarian Action: ''you are not a humanitarian if you don't gain field experience" ..

MA Graduation 2015, Groningen Holland

I have embarked in a journey which requires individuals to take certain risks (is it?), or is it more a way to challenge oneself, to see what the world is really about? It definitely depends on the point of you.

After my BA in Politics and IR from Royal Holloway University of London I have decided to deepen my studies in the humanitarian sector, with a special look on peace and conflict studies.

It took a few months of excitement, when I happily handed in my MA thesis on New Year's Eve last December (how evil would a professor be to put the deadline on NYE?!) frustration, while seeing that the job market could only offer me volunteering positions, and joy when I managed to gain some office experience at Amnesty  international secretariat in London last summer.

But patience and perseverance have paid off, I'm now heading to the field. Ta-daaaaa!
Which field? I'm going to Lebanon! I mean Lebanon Lebanon, not Libya... You can have a look at this map if you are not a master in Geography:

I'm going with  Caritas Ambrosiana (Milan) in partnership with Caritas Lebanon. It couldn't have been any better as first experience, for the location, the regional context, beneficiaries, working experience and the projects I will be involved with. More details to follow.

I'm also very excited about the team I'm going with, it’s me and three other girls from Italy. I see a lot of potential in us and I'm very curious to see it blossom. 

Egypt 2014

So let's go! The luggage is ready. Ready for the next adventure, ready to embrace a new life. Life is calling.

I will see you on the other side, Beirut! Yalla!

[Il Libano sará casa e non vedo l’ora di farlo diventare tale]

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